Kairos Publishers
Why? What?
In April 2024, I retired from my daily work as a lawyer, which allowed me to focus on my goals. My first admission to the bar was in 1990 in Bayreuth, Germany. In 2012, I moved to Vietnam and managed my own two companies. We focused on the incorporation of foreign-invested entities and tax advice. Our emphasis was the compliance in a challenging environment.
Since 2012, I have contributed the Vietnam part to the leading tax platform IBFD.
I wrote two books in German about Vietnam:
2016 together with Dr. Waldkirch Business Guide Vietnam Bundesanzeiger Verlag
2023 Quick Guide Markteinstieg in Vietnam Springer Gabler Verlag
The next step will be guiding qualified experts to publish on issues around doing business in Vietnam.
Other topic that are not related to Vietnam are under preparation.
We will inform about publications on time.
Wolfram Gruenkorn